Carolyn Deibel is Music Director for St. Nicholas Church, leading the congregation in singing at all our services, and continuing to build our children’s music program.

Carolyn holds a Masters of Music Education degree from The University of Michigan School of Music, as well as a Bachelor of Music degree from Ohio Wesleyan University where she was student director of the Madrigals ensemble.  Throughout her college studies she majored in voice and minored in piano.

Upon completion of her education, Carolyn taught general music and chorus in the Westchester public schools in New York.  During that time she studied voice with Mary McMasters of the New York City Opera and was soprano soloist with several community choruses, some of which she also accompanied.  She was the Assistant Choral Director of the Pleasantville Cantata Singers.

After settling in the Washington area, Carolyn was accompanist at the Washington Ballet, studied voice with Donald Boothman, and opened a private piano studio in her home.   She has accompanied choruses, soloists and musical productions in many area schools.  While a member of Our Saviour Episcopal Church, Hillandale in Silver Spring she served there as the substitute organist and founded their first Children’s Choir.  At St. Francis Episcopal Church in Potomac, she taught preschool music in the Sunday school.  Presently Carolyn performs as part of a piano duo and is accompanist for the First Ladies Players performing troupe.

To contact Carolyn Deibel, Music Director please use the form below.
Or call: 240-631-2800